Thursday, July 15, 2010

Drip Market Your Business

Drip marketing is a powerful and steady method of marketing your business to your target clients. Based on a principle of marketing your message 29 times before you gain clients, drip marketing is a way to get your name out there and up front. This is especially effective when done in your business card printing.

In your business cards printing, the way to use drip marketing is to have your print cards in front of your current, as well as potential clients. This would ensure that your name would always come up whenever they have a need for your kind of product or service.

So how do you start? Drip marketing for your business cards printing involves four steps:

1- Plan.

Developing a good plan is the very first step to ensuring that you have effective drip marketing for the whole year. Not only that. You should also have a plan of action for your business card printing for each month.

As with any good marketing, planning your drip marketing involves a careful and in depth understanding of your target market. Who are your potential clients? Where should you drop your business cards to gain the most results? Where can you yield the most impact? This means that your efforts should concentrate on those who have the most potential to switch from just a possible client to a definite buyer of your product or service.

Nevertheless, you should also drip market to the less productive fields as this will also gain you possible clients. You can utilize a lower-cost campaign or less frequent marketing. Just so you cover all possible areas for your drip marketing campaign.

2- Strategize.

The second step is to implement your plan for your business cards printing. Not just to execute, but to do it strategically. Drip marketing works best if you "drip" your message consistently and at the right time. You need to have a plan of action throughout the whole year. This means drip marketing every month. And sticking to it. For an easier time, you can develop simple yet effective systems that you can implement anytime. You will not have to put extra effort for the next step every time you begin your campaign for the month. This would also help you re-strategize or fine-tune your plan if a system is not working after a few months.

3- Diversify.

Repeated marketing campaigns over time become boring and unattractive. Make sure that you do not do it to your marketing campaign. Instead, change your approach- your offer and your message- as the season changes. You can also vary your segment or sequence. Nonetheless, make sure you provide value to your drip marketing, as well as in your message. Your target audience will not even look at it if they do not find any use to your offer, even if you come out that often.

4- Keep track.

Finally, your drip marketing will not be effective if you do not have a strong and solid tracking system to measure your results. Make sure that you have the right systems in place to report on the outcome of your marketing campaign.

Drip marketing is all about having a plan of action. With the incoming New Year, including drip marketing to your business card printing can help you a great deal in making sure that you have an effective marketing campaign throughout the year.

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