Thursday, July 15, 2010

Search Engine Marketing Lesson 1

Search engine marketing isn't rocket science, although many seem
to think that getting adequate ranking in the search engines is a
complex and impossible task. Without a doubt, search engine
marketing is one of the most complex types of marketing because
the search engines' rules and preferences evolve constantly. But,
considering that the majority of website visitors find the
websites they visit through the search engines, search engine
marketing is absolutely the best medium for internet marketing.

Search engine marketing and search engine optimization experts
may talk to you about complex things like algorithms, which are
really nothing more than mathematical formulas that reflect the
website ranking rules of particular search engines. Unless you
are a mathematician and you can get your hands on a search
engine's current formula, you will never in a million years
understand algorithms, so don't waste your time trying to. You
can be successful in your search engine marketing efforts without
knowing a thing about mathematical formulas.

Sometimes, the best way to get good ranking in the search engines
is through trial and error. You try different things, see what
works, and run with it. Sometimes, it may be best to hire a
search engine optimization specialist or consultant. Generally,
search engine optimization services are pricey, and because
search engine marketing requires ongoing efforts, they can get
really expensive. However, if you can afford it, hiring a search
engine consultant to get you on the right track is a great idea.

From my interviews with women who own their own internet
businesses, a comment made by one lady stands out in my mind. She
said, "I knew that getting listed in the search engines was
critical to the success of my business. I tried to achieve
ranking on my own, but I got so confused by all the information
about search engine optimization that all I really knew was that
I definitely did not know what I was doing. I couldn't really
afford to hire a consultant, but I had to redefine some
priorities to get it done. Without the search engine marketing
consultant showing me the way, my business would have never
gotten off the ground."

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